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Senin, 05 Maret 2012

JAVA Programming Language

Almost every gadgets that we use is the product of JAVA. Be it mobile phones, microwave, Android, Iphone, etc. Well on this occasion I will share what I know about the Java programming language.
As a programming language, Java can create all forms of application, desktop, web etc,  as well as other Programming Languages.

JAVA is an object-oriented programming language (OOP) and can run on various operating system platforms. The development of Java is not only focused on one operating system, but developed for a variety of operating systems.
Applications with Java technology in general can run on all machines that have the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

There are two main components of the Deployment Environment. The first is the JRE, J2SDK contained in the package, containing classes for all the Java technology package that includes a base class of JAVA, GUI components etc. Almost all af commercial Web Browsers provide interpreter and runtime environment of Java technology.

Features found in Java Programming Language:

  • Java Virtual Machine (JVM)JVM is an virtual machine that works with applications like on a real machine. JVM provides a hardware specifications and platform where the Java compilation occurs. This specification is the factor that makes JAVA-based applications become free from any platform because the compilation process completed by the JVM.
  • GarbageCollection                                                                                                This facility reduces the burden of memory management because the program doesn't need to remove unused object manually.                  


JAVA is a programming language that is widely used by many Programmers in the world today. JAVA Adopt the syntax from C + + Programming Language.

There are two ways to compile and run (run) JAVA program. The firstusing the console and text editor. While the second way is byusing the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment that isor the so-called IDE.

IDE is some tools that are integrated into the programming software applications that support GUI, code writing, compiler and debugger.

NetBeans 7.0.1

To download Java tutorial for beginner click here

Sources: Naughton, Patrick, Java Handbook
                Gary Cornell dan Cay S.Horstmann, Core Java


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