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Senin, 28 November 2011

What is ""

There are still many people who do not know what it is

Yet we often find especially as we will download file.Usually you click the download link and then appear and you have to wait 5 seconds and click "skip this ad" to get to the site where we will do the download.

So what is it can be interpreted as a web advertise that shorten links and hide the origina link .In fact will pay us when we are promoting a link is clicked by the visitors to your blog or website.

So funneling money from the advertisers whose ads appear before our original url showed up.Still confused?? Okay I'll explain with an example.

For example today you want to download the movie "Fast 5". Then you are browsing on google to find link download movie "Fast 5" is. Then you enter someone's blog who happen to provide a
download link "Fast 5" that you want .When you click on the download link ady.lf windows showed up. advertise the link before you download the movie "Fast 5".

You should know when you click the download link "Fast 5" and the showed up,The blog owners can get a dollar from 0.01 to 0.04 .Imagine if there are 10 thousands visitors click the
download link  "Fast 5" .The blog owner can get pretty much bucks.

So what are you waiting for?Registration is free and easy. You just have to copy and paste a link to

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